START NOW – Create PT online is one of the options that many entrepreneurs are interested in these days. The reason is that this option is fairly easy and fast.
You can create PT online through the official site provided by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).
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ToggleThe Official Website to Create PT Online

Nowadays, Kemenkumham has launched an official website called AHU to handles various general legal administrative matters online.
The implementation of AHU aims to build good governance. It prioritizes professional, efficient, fast and accurate services, and is free from illegal levies.
That is why the Directorate General or Ditjen AHU is trying to make various innovations to utilize information technology.
With AHU, the process of establishing a company, including a PT, has become easier. The process does not take long and is free of charge.
The speed of this process is because all procedures can be done by a Notary wherever he/she is.
So, you don’t need to come to the Kemenkumham office directly. You simply upload various data according to the requirements through the official website.
In order to start this online PT creation process, you first need to purchase a registration voucher through BNI.
This is relatively easy and anyone who wants to create a cheap PT can do it independently.
The function of this voucher is as a means of payment for the process of ordering the company name.
You can also buy it online, without having to come to the relevant bank.
Three Important Stages to Create PT Online

To start the online PT creation process, you can directly open the official AHU website via ahu.go.id.
There are three stages that you need to pay attention to in order to create PT online, namely:
Name Reservation
For this stage, start by selecting the “Order Name” menu, then select the “Order Company Name” option.
Next, enter the voucher code that you already have. Then, include the name of the company you want with the company abbreviation.
Choosing the name of this PT cannot be done carelessly. There are special rules that govern it, namely PP Number 43 of 2011.
So, make sure the name of the PT you choose meets the requirements, among others:
- The company name must contain three syllables
- Local PTs may not use foreign languages for their company names.
- The name has never been used by another party
You can check it directly on the AHU by accessing the page https://ahu.go.id/pencarian/profil-pt. The process is easy and fast.
The system will also check the name you submitted before process it. If it has meet the requirements, then the application will be accepted.
Now, you can print the company name that has been ordered. The printout will display a special barcode.
This is mean that you have the full rights to use the company name.
Preparation of the Deed of Establishment of PT
In this stage to create PT Online, you need a notary to make and certify the deed of establishment.
You must complete this procedure within 60 days of name registration. Otherwise, the AHU system will automatically cancel the company name that you’ve successfully registered.
Approval of PT establishment
The final step to create PT online is the ratification of the PT. This stage must also be handled directly by a notary.
The notary will submit various documents to obtain official ratification from Kemenkumham, as the party authorized to certify
Once the process is complete, Kemenkumham has given approval for the legalization of the PT name online.
Then, the notary will help you to print the proof of validation of the PT establishment from Kemenkumham.
Once you have official proof that your company has legal entity status, you can start running your business peacefully.
Completing PT with Business Licenses Online

In order to run its business activities legally, a PT must also have the appropriate business licenses.
You can take care of making this business license with almost the same method as how to create PT online.
The difference is, the site you are using is not the AHU site, but the OSS (Online Single Submission).
This Integrated Online Licensing site was launched by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs. It also supported by the Directorate General of AHU.
As the name implies, OSS is a business license that has been integrated electronically. This system makes it even easier to create PT online.
Before the system existed, company founders had to take care of deeds, Kemenkumham Decrees, and business licenses in different places.
Now, you can complete these important procedures without leaving your home, simply by utilizing your computer, laptop, or smartphone.
With these easier and faster procedures, it is expected that the growth of business activities in Indonesia will increase.
Furthermore, it is also expected to attract more foreign investors to invest in the country.
Step by Step for Managing Business Licenses via OSS
OSS replaces the system that was previously managed by BKPM, the Coordinating Body Capital Investment. This system is considered incapable of stimulating investment growth.
The following are the step by step needed for managing business permits through the OSS system:
- Managing NIB (Business Identification Number)
- Understand the types of licenses issued by OSS
- Stages of Business License Registration via OSS
- Register Business License through OSS
For your information, every company is required to have their own business license, depending on the business field being run.
Only NIB, which is a business identification number, is the basic business license that all companies must have without exception.
In addition, each company needs to obtain special business licenses related to the risk scale of its business activities.
More complete provisions regarding this type of risk-based business license are listed in Government Regulation (PP) No. 5 of 2021.
This PP also discusses the issuance of business licenses through OSS, so it is often referred to as PP OSS.
It’s very easy to create PT online. However, if you still can’t do it yourself, there are many service providers who are ready to help.
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Promo Pembuatan Firma
Rp. 4.550.000
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- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
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Promo Pembuatan PT Perorangan
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Dokumen lengkap :
Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
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- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan
Promo Pembuatan PT
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Dokumen lengkap :
Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
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- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan
Promo Pembuatan PMA
Rp. 8.150.000
Rp. 6.999.000
Dokumen lengkap :
Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan