Virtual Office
Virtual Office prices start from Rp. 1,200,000 / 75 USD per year. Address at the Prestigious Building in Jakarta - Indonesia:
Kuningan, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan
Grogol, Jl Dr Susilo, Jakarta Barat
SCBD, JL Jend Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan

Strategic and Prestigious Office Addresses in Kuningan (South Jakarta), SCBD (South Jakarta), Grogol (West Jakarta)
FREE Meeting and Daily Office Quota 4 Hours per Month
FREE Office Telephone Number and Mail Handling
Can be used for Zoom Training/Meeting/Webinars and Podcast Content
Minimalist, contemporary and comfortable office & meeting room design
All of our virtual office locations are available for taxable entrepreneurs (PKP)
Do you need a Virtual Office in another location in Indonesia? As in the location below:
Please contact our consultant to get information about this service

Get a Free Consultation with Our Consultants?
Consultations can be done face to face (offline) at our office with prior agreement. Face-to-face online consultation using the Conference Call method using the Zoom application. Or you can consult directly via WhatsApp on the number: