Start Now – Managing business permits is a necessity for business owners if they want to conduct their business activities safely and smoothly.
Thanks to technological advancements, the procedures for obtaining and managing business permits are now much more practical and straightforward.
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ToggleHow to Manage Business Permits

Currently, you can resolve business permit issues offline as well as online. The procedures for obtaining permits through each method are as follows:
Managing Business Permit Applications Offline
To apply for individual business permits offline, you can visit the Department of Industry and Trade office.
In addition to filling out the registration form available there, you also need to bring several documents as completeness requirements.
Documents you need to prepare include:
- Photocopy of ID card and Family Card (KK)
- 2 pieces of colored passport-sized photos (4×6)
- Letter of endorsement from the neighborhood chief (depending on the type of permit you are applying for)
- Tax ID Number (NPWP) (optional depending on the type of permit you are applying for)
Managing Business Permits Online
Thanks to the rapid advancement of information technology, you can also apply for micro or macro business permits online.
It can be done through the OSS (Online Single Submission) website. The utilization of OSS is officially regulated in Government Regulation No. 24 of 2018.
This Government Regulation concerning about integrated electronic business license services.
Benefits of Managing Business Permits Online

Recently, online business permit registration has become increasingly popular among business owners. This is reasonable considering that this method is able to provide several benefits.
Some benefits you can obtain through online business permit registration system include:
More integrated and centralized permit processing system
With the presence of OSS, the process of managing business permits now has become more integrated and centralized.
This website allows you to manage various types of business permits at once, all through a single site.
The process is relatively more practical and easy
You no longer need to bother coming or sending representatives to various government offices to manage permits.
You can manage business permits anywhere, as long as the location has internet access.
Requirements and registration procedures are relatively simpler
To register for a business permit through OSS, you only need to input a number of data into the system.
These data include your ID number or NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan), personal identity, and some information related to your company.
You no longer need to prepare these requirement documents in the form of photocopies as in the offline method.
The issuance period of permits is much faster
Some sources state that it takes around 7 – 14 days to manually process food or other business permits.
With OSS, you can immediately obtain a business permit number as soon as you complete the registration.
This is certainly much faster than the process of managing business permits offline that used in the past.
Types of Business Licenses that Can Be Made Through OSS

There are various types of business licenses that you can obtain through the OSS website, including:
Business Identification Number (NIB)
NIB or Business Identification Number is an identity number that applies to a business entity. This license was established in 2018.
The discussion about NIB is also listed in Government Regulation No. 24/2018, just like OSS. The regulation states that the NIB can simultaneously function as:
- TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan)
- Import Identification Number (API)
- and Customs Access.
That means, you can managing business permits easier, only with this kind of license.
Trade Business License (SIUP)
SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan) serves to legalize the trading activities (buying and selling) that take place in a company.
So, if you’re looking to apply for a café business license, SIUP is probably one of them.
Entrepreneurs with a net worth of >Rp 50,000,000 are required to have a SIUP. This stated in Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 46/2009.
However, there is no prohibition for businesses that do not fall under these criteria to have one.
Furthermore, there are four categories of SIUP, namely Micro SIUP, Small SIUP, Medium SIUP and Large SIUP.
The granting of which is adjusted to the entrepreneur’s net worth (excluding the value of land and buildings).
Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
As a good citizen, you as an entrepreneur must fulfill your responsibility to pay taxes in accordance with applicable regulations.
For that, you need to have an NPWP or Taxpayer Identification Number. You can apply it through the OSS.
BPJS Health and Employment
Registering for an NIB through OSS will simultaneously register you as a BPJS Health and Employment participant.
This is mentioned in one of the information on the Indonesian Information Portal website.
Micro and Small Business License (IUMK)
Micro and small-scale companies are required to apply for an MSME business license called IUMK or Micro Small Business License.
This license has been in effect since the government issued Presidential Regulation No. 98/2014. Companies that are required to have one must meet some criteria.
You can find that specific criterias listed in the Law Number 20 of 2008.
How to Apply for a Business License Online Through OSS

For managing business permits online through OSS, there are several procedures you need to go through, namely:
Creating a Personal Account at OSS
The first step you need to do for managing business permits through OSS is having a personal account.
To create an OSS account, select the Register menu on the home page. Next, fill in the electronic form with your personal data.
It includes NIK, place and date of birth date, email address and cellphone number. Once completed, select Submit and verify the account creation via email.
Next, you will receive information about your account username and password.
Inputting Company Data into OSS Electronic Forms
After getting the username and password, you can directly log in to the OSS system. The system will then display the registration form file.
Fill in the form with complete and correct company data, as requested. Submit and Process the Electronic Form for Business License Creation.
Complete all the registration steps, then submit and wait for the system to finish processing. Usually, you will obtain the business license number immediately.
Because the process and requirements are now simpler, entrepreneurs are expected to be more compliant in managing business permits.
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- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
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Promo Pembuatan Firma
Rp. 4.550.000
Rp. 3.999.000
Dokumen lengkap :
Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan
Promo Pembuatan PT Perorangan
Rp. 1.499.000
Rp. 799.000
Dokumen lengkap :
Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan
Promo Pembuatan PT
Rp. 5.350.000
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Dokumen lengkap :
Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan
Promo Pembuatan PMA
Rp. 8.150.000
Rp. 6.999.000
Dokumen lengkap :
Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan