3 Simple Steps of Procedures for Establishing a PT Perorangan Online
3 Simple Steps of Procedures for Establishing a PT

START NOW – Since the enacment of Job Creation law, there were some changes related to procedures for establishing a PT 

The simplification of procedures for establishing a PT is one of the government’s efforts to support economic growth in Indonesia.

Now, MSME players the procedures for establishing a PT makes it possible for MSME players to adapt this form of incorporated company.

What is PT Perorangan? 

What is PT Perorangan? 

PT Perorangan or Sole Proprietorship is a new form of PT that only requires one person for its establishment.

It also doesn’t need a deed of establishment from a notary and has no minimum capital requirement. 

This new type of PT was launched on October 8, 2021. Its presence opens up opportunities for micro and small businesses to move upmarket.

The reason is that an Individual PT has the status of a legal entity like a PT in general. 

In addition to providing legal protection, this legal entity status also allows MSME players to increase their business competitiveness.

Furthermore, MSMEs in the form of a PT Perorangan will generally find it easier to obtain financial support from banks.

The procedures for establishing a PT Perorangan can be done through the Directorate General of Public Law Administration (AHU) website.

For the payment, the government in the ranks of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights cooperates with BNI.

The Advantages of the Procedures for Establishing a PT Perorangan Online

The Advantages of the Procedures for Establishing a PT Perorangan Online

The procedures for establishing a PT Perorangan online provides several advantages for entrepreneurs and business players, including:

More easy and convenience

The procedur for establishing a PT Perorangan online is very easy. You only need to fill out the electronic form and attach the requirements file. 

As mentioned earlier, you don’t need a deed of establishment from notary to create this type of PT. 

You only need to make a declaration of establishment independently as the requirement. 

Free to Determine Business Capital

Previously, business actors had to meet capital requirements in order to be able to establish a PT. 

However, since the enactment of the Job Creation Law, the minimum capital requirement for establishment has been abolished.

Faster leading time 

In the past, the process of registering a PT establishment usually took a few days. However, the process is now much shorter.

After finishing the registration process, you can automaticaly obtain the proof of registration.

Low Cost

To carry out the application process for establishing a sole proprietorship, you only pay Rp50 thousand. Therefore, using the application will cost less than before.

Exemption from the Obligation to Submit the Minutes of Establishment

Since there has been an update, the provisions regarding the procedures for establishing a PT according to Law No. 40 Year 2007 no longer apply.

Therefore, medium and micro businesses that establish Individual PTs are no longer required to submit additional state news.

One Tier

PT Perorangan now has a one-tier nature. So that later the owners will easily run the operations of the company. 

Not only that, the owners of the company will get supervision.

Low Tax Rates

Procedures for establishing a PT based on the Job Creation Law has a low tax rate. This is equivalent to the tax rate of MSMEs. 

The Procedures for Establishing a PT Perorangan Online 

The Procedures for Establishing a PT Perorangan Online 

This application is here you can use easily because it is user friendly. Therefore, every business actor may use it without help from others.

The procedures for establishing a PT Perorangan online including three steps, namely:

Create personal account

The first step is to have a personal account. To do it, you can visit the AHU page and follow the registration steps as follow: 

  1. Click the Register button.
  2. Register by filling in some data, including:
  • Fill in the employee registration number.
  • Fill in the NPWP. If you don’t have one, you can register with the Directorate General of Taxes online.
  • Fill in your full name.
  • Then fill in your email to receive the verification code.
  • You are required to fill in your date of birth.

After the registration process successful, you will receive a notification. The next process is to activate the account containing the NIK and Password.

In order to do that, you should check on the registered email to verify the creation of that account. 

Filling in form

After creating a personal account, you can fill out the registration form. Fill it out carefully so that there are no problems later.

First, you should log in by pressing the account activation button to be able to access the new account. 

If successful, it will return to the login page. You can log in by filling out the PT and CV creation procedure form, namely:

  • You can enter your NIK.
  • Also enter the password you got earlier.
  • Click the login button.

If you want to change your password, then you can press the Forgot Password button. After that, you can select the reset button. 

Once the procedure to change password is successfull, a notification will appear and you can do the next step.

To complete this enrollment procedure, you generally need to make a payment, which you can also do online.

As mentioned earlier, the person in charge of this site has collaborated with BNI to facilitate payment.

Printing Proof of Registration

The last step on the procedures for establishing a PT Perorangan is to print proof of registration. 

By doing so, it means that the procedure for setting up an Individual PT has been successfully completed.

As a business owner, you also need to pay attention to the completeness of the business license. 

If the procedure for establishing a PT is online, the registration of a business license is as well. 

The difference is that this business license registration is done through a site called OSS (Online Single Submission). 

The ease of registering company establishment and completing business licenses online is certainly very beneficial for companies. 

That way, they are expected to be more enthusiastic and orderly in carrying out their obligations in business.

If you need some help to complete the procedures for establishing a PT, Start Now is ready to help. 

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Promo Pembuatan CV

Rp. 3.950.000 Rp. 2.699.000

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Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan

Promo Pembuatan Yayasan

Rp. 4.550.000 Rp. 3.999.000

Dokumen lengkap :

Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan

Promo Pembuatan Firma

Rp. 4.550.000 Rp. 3.999.000

Dokumen lengkap :

Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan

Promo Pembuatan PT Perorangan

Rp. 1.499.000 Rp. 799.000

Dokumen lengkap :

Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan

Promo Pembuatan PT

Rp. 5.350.000 Rp. 3.699.000

Dokumen lengkap :

Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan

Promo Pembuatan PMA

Rp. 8.150.000 Rp. 6.999.000

Dokumen lengkap :

Bonus Gratis:
- Tersedia Paket Gratis Virtual Office 1 Tahun s/d 5 Tahun
- Gratis Laporan Keuangan & Pajak 12 Bulan
- Gratis System ERP, Accounting, Mobile Attendance
-Gratis Logo, Website & Email Perusahaan
- Gratis Workhsop Bisnis & Akses Pendanaan

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